The Storm

There's this storm rolling in.
I know what it means.
It means that anything can happen.
Storms come and go in my life.
Sometimes I fear then so badly that I crawl up into a corner and shake like a leaf on a branch in a tree.
This time I'm not scared.
This time I'm welcoming the storm.
Because I know.
Storms come and go.
Just like the calm before the storm.
The mind seeks certainties.
But the only things we can be certain of are that everything changes constantly
and someday our bodies are going to die.
While the spirit continues towards new adventures.
The less I fear the storms that less they will hurt.
Everything will be all right.
We're safe.
You're safe.
I'm safe.
Hi, Mr Storm.
Fancy some coffee?
Lets make love.
With that loving feeling.
You know.
The love that's worth fighting for.
The love for ourselves.
You can scream and make a mess in my kitchen.
But you should know one thing.
My days on the run are over.
I won't try to hide.
Or run away from whatever you're bringing to the table.
Bring it on, Mr Storm.
I will be there.
With all that I am.
I'll be present.
Love can be tough sometimes.
But it's still love.



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